2019 Guidelines for Volunteers for Artists Unlimited Volunteers
Artists Unlimited, Inc. strives to provide a safe, positive, professional and fun experience for our participants. Below are some general guidelines for all volunteers.
➢Promote respect and dignity for all regardless of race, religion, national origin, creed, sex, ethnic background or disability.
➢Be prompt and dependable.
➢Be patient with one another, especially cast that may require extra time to listen and respond.
➢Speak in a normal tone of voice. Be relaxed! Stay Calm! Everyone appreciates warmth and friendliness.
➢Exhibit appropriate behavior, language and professionalism at all times.
➢Work cooperatively with cast and fellow volunteers; reporting concerns to Carol Cassara or Kathy Miller.
➢Monitor your volunteer area for the overall health and safety for all participants. Please defer to directives provided by stage managers when back stage.
➢Please refrain from moving items from the stage unless directed to do so by the crew.
➢Assist with general clean up of the cast areas (i.e., placing items in the trash, placing items in lost and found, etc.).
➢Please adhere to the rules of the house, i.e., the managers of the facility we are performing in. Cooperation by all is essential in order to maintain good working relationships with our community “partners.”
➢Make sure that there is another adult with you if you need to assist a cast member privately.
➢Volunteers are required to wear a volunteer name badge at all times (excluding backstage volunteers) to ensure the safety of all participants and for ease of cast members to identify you. The name tag table is located just inside the large cast gathering area. Please return it when leaving for the evening.
➢The Board of Directors of Artists Unlimited will not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any of the participants.
➢Notify us with as much notice as possible if you will be late or absent. You can email Janice McCutchan bandjmccutchan@hotmail.com or Carol Cassara artistsunlimitedinfo@gmail.com or call 585-261-4419.